Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Gentle Bath & Company Update!

If you were looking for The Gentle Bath & Company, our website has closed.  We have retired and we closed our online store in September of 2016.  Our website address has been rerouted here to our blog so we still have a place to communicate and a place to come if you are looking for our website.

We do have a small amount of inventory left that I hope to list on eBay sometime (soon?) but the weather has been so nice that I've had a hard time coming inside to work!  I will post here and on Facebook any news about what we are doing, especially when I get around to listing on eBay.

For now if you are looking for something in particular you can still email us still at  sales@gentlebath.com and we will check our inventory for you.  We can still process a payment invoice and sales through PayPal for any purchases before we list on eBay.  We have very few Kassatex Bath Towels & Accessory Sets left but we do have some Bath Towel odds and ends, Spa Robes, some Lady Primrose and a number of general Bath Accessories and Decor left in stock.  

Thanks again to you, our customers for your years of business and interest in our products.  We appreciate your wonderful feedback and emails telling us how you were enjoying your purchases!  

Until next time!

Happy Soaking,